Friday, 27 July 2012

ALLAH mengetahui, sedang kita tidak

Seperti yang kita ketahui, dunia ini adalah panggung sandiwara dan kita(manusia) sedang memainkan peran-peran dalam kehidupan kita masing-masing.

Nah, jika anda sedang memainkan peran sebagai seorang anak manusia yang sedang bertempat tinggal jauh dari kampung halaman dan tidak bisa pulkam (apalagi di bulan Ramadhan dan harus berpuasa kurang lebih 18 jam), maka jangan lah galau. Karna boleh jadi kita membenci sesuatu, padahal ia amat baik bagi kita. Dan boleh jadi pula kita menyukai sesuatu padahal ia amat buruk bagi kita. ALLAH mengetahui, sedang kita tidak.

Saturday, 14 July 2012


Aneh, saya malah banyak belajar tentang Islam selama tinggal di sini. Padahal negara ini mayoritas penduduk nya bukan muslim. Pertemuan demi pertemuan saya dengan non-muslim, juga pertanyaan demi pertanyaan yang mereka ajukan pada saya membuat saya semakin tertarik dengan Islam, padahal saya sudah Islam sejak lahir!
Kali ini saya ingin mendalami agama Islam bukan karna saya terlahir sebagai muslim, atau juga menyandang predikat "Muslim KTP", saya ingin menjadikan agama ini agama pilihan.  Atas dasar akal dan hati nurani yang sehat. Bismillah.

Tuesday, 10 July 2012


Ketika doa mu belum juga terjawab, 
kau di suruh Nya bersabar,
tapi kau tak mendengar,
lalu kau marah dan berkata,
"Aku lelah meminta padaMu!"

"Sesungguhnya, tiada berputus asa dari rahmat ALLAH kecuali orang-orang kafir" (QS Yusuf : 87)

Ketika keinginan mu tak terpenuhi,
Dia berkata bahwa itu bukan hal yang terbaik bagimu,
kau tak menghiraukanNya,
lagi-lagi kau marah dan mencerca,
"Kau berdusta!"

"Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu, padahal ia amat baik bagimu dan boleh jadi (pula) kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu" (QS Al-Baqarah : 216)
..."Dan Dialah Yang Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Mengetahui" (QS Al-Baqarah : 137)

"Dan, kamu menyangka kepada ALLAH dengan bermacam-macam prasangka. Di situlah di uji orang-orang mukmin dan digoncangkan hatinya dengan goncangan yang sangat" (QS Al-Ahzab: 10-11)

Ketika masalah hidup mu tak kunjung reda,
Dia menjelaskan bahwa akan ada kemudahan bersama kesusahan,
Dan akan ada kemudahan setelah kesusahan,
dengan angkuhnya kau menjawab,
"Aku tak butuh diriMu!"

"Sesungguhnya bersama kesulitan itu ada kemudahan" (QS Al-Insyirah : 5)
"ALLAH kelak akan memberikan kelapangan setelah kesempitan" (QS Ath-Thalaq : 7)

"Kami telah menentukan kematian di antara kamu dan Kami sekali-kali, tidak dapat di kalahkan" (QS Al-Waaqi'ah : 60 )

Thursday, 5 July 2012

How To Be Assertive?

What is assertive?
Assertive is saying or expressing what you want in a polite way.

How To Be Assertive?

     1. Work on your appearance - How you look tells a lot about you

     - If you're wearing clothes that look like you've just got out of bed, or if you wear a pound of make-up with fluffy high-heels, people won't take you seriously.

     - If you look like you're ready to get things done, people will know what to expect from you. A good motto is "Dress for Success." This will allow people to respect you more.

     2. Have a confident demeanor. You give away a lot before you even open your mouth.

       - Try not to be easy to read, even if you are nervous or uncertain.

       - Keep your shoulders squared and your chin up. Even if you are confused, you can be confident. There's no shame in asking questions.

       - Try to look people in the eye. This can be hard for people who are naturally nervous or timid, but it shows people that you don't intend to be brushed off.
      3. Use a clear, calm voice. You don't need to be loud, but you do need to make yourself heard.

       - If  people aren't noticing you and you need service, say clearly "Excuse me." Also, whatever you are trying to say, try to be concise.

     4. Be honest with yourself. Know what you want.

- People can tell if you already know what you want out of them, and it's much easier for them to do   what you ask them if you can tell them clearly what that is. Whether you're speaking to an insurance agent or a waiter, their job is to serve you and you'll make their job about ten times easier if you know what you want.

     5. Know when to hold 'em; know when to fold 'em. Like anything else in life, being assertive is about balance. If the waiter made a mistake and brought you something you're allergic to, speak up--and keep at it until the problem is corrected. But if a cashier growls at you, it's not your job to educate them on manners and customer service, so let it go. It's important to get what you deserve in life, but it's just as important to understandwhat it is that you deserve in the first place! Choose your battles.

    6. Don't misdirect your frustration.
     - If the airline counter agent tells you you must pay extra for your heavy bag, don't get angry at the  agent! Your beef is with the airline's policy (and possibly your failure to read the fine print). Instead, treat the agent like an ally. If the policy was made available to you, apologize and ask for an exception. If you were never informed of the policy, say so, and ask for an exception. Either way, the agent herself did you no harm, so do not direct your frustration at her! She is not the aggressor; she's your potential ally. So treat her well and negotiate respectfully, then take the matter up with the airline's customer service agents.

     7. Say what's on your mind. Don't be silent if you have something to say. Share your feelings freely, it's your right. Remember, there's nothing wrong in having an opinion. And if your silent affect others in any way, then it's your obligation, too!

     8. Learn to say 'NO'. If you do not feel right doing something, then don't do it! No one has the right to make you do something you don't want. It's okay to reject someone. Remember, for yourself, the most important person is - you! If you don't respect your desires, how can you expect others to?


***The key to success in confrontations is to use an appropriate tone of voice and the correct words. 

Sunday, 1 July 2012

When Things Don't Go The Way We Want It To

When things don't turn out the way we want it, put a complete trust in ALLAH. Trust ALLAH that He knows what's the best for  our life. I know this is easier said than done, put it's not impossible. Keep asking for ALLAH's help and guidance, Insya ALLAH as time goes by, ALLAH will help us find our way.

                        Trust ALLAH that He knows what's the best for  our life

In the meantime, hold on tight to Him. Pray, make du'a, read qur'an and of course socialize with others! Get together with your family, friends or even neighbours! Help those who are in need and volunteer! There are so many people who have worse life than us and need our help.

                       Pray, make du'a, read qur'an and of course socialize with others!

About your sadness, it's okay to be sad, but never dwell on it! Wake up for qiyamul lail. This is important. This is the time where we get in touch with our sadness!

                      It's okay to be sad, but never dwell on it
                      Wake up for qiyamul lail. This is important! This is the time where we get in touch with our sadness

What do we do in the day? If you ask me, I would have some fun! :D

                       And have fun!

It was nice out so we just went to the park!
There were so many activities to do. One of them was drawing! The girls asked me to draw, so I just went along. It was fun though! And tomorrow I'll be doing the routines again *sigh*
But I thanked ALLAH for today, it was fun! And tomorrow, Insya ALLAH I'm gonna be ready for another surprise that ALLAH has for me! Fighting! :D