Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Nasehat Aa Gym

Yakin dan percaya kepada ALLAH.
Ketika takdir yang ditentukan-Nya tidak berjalan sesuai dengan kehendak mu, yakinlah bahwa ALLAH sedang menjauhkan mu dari kecintaan yang berlebihan terhadap dunia.
Jika kamu mengetahui hakikat hidup sebenarnya, kamu pasti akan lebih memilih jalan hidup yang di takdirkan ALLAH kepadamu.

Sunday, 28 October 2012

Bagaimana Cara Memafkan?

Kenapa kita seringkali terfokus pada sifat-sifat atau tindakan-tindakan negative seseorang yang telah menyebabkan kita sakit hati?

Sebelum kita menjawab pertanyaan ini, marilah kita membahas sedikit tentang "goal".
Ketika seseorang mempunyai goal, maka ia akan berusaha dengan segala cara untuk mencapai "goal" nya tersebut.

Lalu apa hubungan goal dengan sifat-sifat atau tindakan-tindakan negative seseorang?

Seperti yang kita ketahui, iblis telah berjanji untuk menyesatkan anak manusia.

Iblis berkata: "Ya Tuhanku, beri tangguhlah aku sampai hari mereka di bangkitkan (QS Shaad : 79)
. . .Demi kekuasaan Engkau aku akan menyesatkan mereka semuanya (QS Shaad : 82)

Sesuai dengan ayat di atas, terbukti bahwa "goal" iblis adalah menyesatkan anak manusia.
Sama seperti seseorang yang mempunyai goal, maka iblis pun akan berusaha dengan segala cara untuk mencapai goal nya tersebut. Ia tidak henti-hentinya membisiki anak Adam dengan hal-hal negative.
Inilah mengapa, ketika seseorang berbuat salah, kita lebih terfokus pada kesalahan-kesalahan nya dan seringkali melupakan kebaikan yang pernah ia lakukan.

Oleh karena itu, marilah kita sama-sama belajar memaafkan agar kita tidak terjebak oleh perangkap iblis.

Kenapa harus memaafkan?

ALLAH mencintai orang yang pemaaf.

. . . dan orang-orang yang menahan amarahnya dan memaafkan (kesalahan) orang. ALLAH menyukai orang-orang yang berbuat kebajikan. (QS Ali-Imrah : 134)

” …..dan hendaklah mereka mema’afkan dan berlapang dada. Apakah kamu tidak ingin bahwa Allah mengampunimu? Dan Allah adalah Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang ” (QS. An Nuur [24] ; 22)

Lalu, bagaimana cara memaafkan?

1 . Harus ada keyakinan bahwa setiap hal-hal yang terjadi merupakan cobaan dari ALLAH untuk menguji keimanan kita.

Apakah manusia itu mengira bahwa mereka akan dibiarkan (saja) mengatakan: "Kami telah beriman", sedang mereka tidak diuji lagi?"
Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah menguji orang-orang sebelum mereka, maka sesungguhnya ALLAH mengetahui orang-orang yang benar dan sesungguhnya Dia mengetahui orang-orang yang dusta"
(QS Al-Ankbkabut : 2-3)

2. Menyadari bahwa sebagian kita adalah cobaan bagi sebagian yang lain.

Dan Kami jadikan sebahagian kamu cobaan bagi sebahagian yang lain. Maukah kamu bersabar?; dan adalah Tuhanmu Maha Melihat (QS Al-Furqan : 20)

3. Harus ada keinginan untuk memaafkan.

"Sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan mengubah keadaan suatu kaum sehingga mereka mengubah keadaan pada diri mereka sendiri" (Qs Arra'du : 11)

Langkah awal dan niat memafkan itu harus ada pada diri kita sendiri. Kalau pun berkali-kali gagal dan kesabaran kita sudah sampai pada titik penghabisan, teruslah memohon agar ALLAH memudahkan usaha kita.

4. Berdoa agar ALLAH memberi petunjuk kepada orang-orang yang telah menyakiti kita.

5. Rubahlah posisi kita ketika marah.
Ketika kita marah dan sedang berdiri, maka duduklah. Ketika duduk, maka berbaringlah.

6. Latihlah fikiran kita untuk meingat kebaikan orang-orang yang telah menyakiti kita tersebut. 

Ketika fikiran kita mulai kembali mengingat tindakan-tindakan negative yang telah mereka lakukan, langsung memohon perlindungan ALLAH SWT terhadap godaan syaitan. Ingat, syaitan telah berjanji untuk menyesatkan anak manusia dengan berbagai macam cara. Salah satu nya melalui fikiran kita. Jadi berhati-hatilah dengan fikiran-fikiran negative karna itu sama hal nya dengan memberi syaitan peluang untuk menyesatkan kita.

Selamat mencoba, dan semoga berhasil! ;)

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Nameless - Yasmin Mogahed

By: Yasmin Mogahed
There’s salvation in admitting defeat.
The peace of prostration.
Just stay still in that position,
With your head lowered.
Stay humbled.
Stay lowered. Until He raises you.
They’ve searched the world
for what can be found in the quietest corners of a room.
They search a million words for what can only be found in silence.
They create a million names for the nameless.
For what can only be found in wordless thought.
Nameless states.
Stop letting it own you.
Let it go.
Let it go for Him and He will honor you.
He will raise you.
I looked on every street corner,
Inside every store window,
In and through both heartache and beauty,
Inside the story within the story,
Behind the sheet music.
Names. We’re always looking for names.
We try to name all of it.
We think that if only we could name each chain,
they would all break.
Maybe I need to live between.
Between the words, the heart,
the space between earth and sky.
Maybe I could live there.
In the space between knowledge and understanding.
Between love and letting go.
In the place where it stops hurting to be so far away.
The place where you’re already there.
In the nameless.
He said, “She feels like a habit I’ll never break.”
Break, so you can break.
The strong fall so they can stand.
There’s salvation in admitting defeat.
Adam (AS) admit defeat.
Yunus (AS) admit defeat.
Nuh (AS) admit defeat.
Ayoub (AS) admit defeat.
Muhammad (SAW) admit defeat.
How can you claim to be strong?

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Building Self-Esteem Workshop Part I

I've been attending so many different workshops that are offered by my university. I figure since I'm a psychology major, I might as well start to learn everything about Psychology :D hehe
and not to mention, I learn a lot about myself as well! It was a two hour workshop, so bare with me :D

Here we go.

So,  what is self-esteem?
Self-esteem is reputation we acquire with ourselves - Nathaniel Branden
It involves: acceptance, respect, trust and belief in yourself. 

Before we talk about "how to build self-esteem", let's talk about "low self-esteem" which often times get in our ways of achieving our goals.

So, What is low self-esteem?
Low self-esteem is negative belief about ourselves that we turn into facts (when they're merely just a belief, not facts!)
For example, when you were young, someone might have told you that you're weak because you cried a lot. As a result, you believed that you were weak (when in fact you were just still young that's why you cried). As a result, you carry this beliefs and later on you turn them into facts!

Next question is, How has having low self-esteem affected your life?
The answer to this could be vary depends on your life-situation. Different people have different answers to this which is fine. These are just some answers that were suggested.
- It could have affected your performance at school and work
- You could have achieved less than what you're capable of
- It could be that you're trying so hard to please others or make friends.
- It could be that you're being extremely self-conscious
- It could be that you've been avoiding intimacy and social contact
- It could be that you're upset by criticism.

What experiences have you had that might have contributed to the way you feel about yourself?

This question is very important because this is the root of our low self-esteem. Experiences lead us to believe about ourselves. Like how I mention earlier, if you've been told that you're weak because you cried a lot when you were young, then you would believe and feel that you are weak (when in fact, you were still young that's why you cried).
Some of the other answers are:
- It could be that you've been punished, neglected, abused.
- It could be that there was an absence of positives
- Difficulty in meeting parents' standards
- Not fitting in at school or home

What sorts of rules and assumptions for living might have to help you feel better about yourself? How do these rules and assumptions influence your behaviour?

I'm just gonna use previous example :D

So if you're told that you're weak when you cry a lot then obviously you're going to avoid crying (at least in front of others). You wold say, I must not cry because if I do people might think I'm weak. So these are the rules and assumptions that you make for yourselfYour answer can be different, once again, it all depends on your experiences.

Whoaaa, all I've been talking is about what is self-esteem, or what is low self-esteem. You might be questoning, "Where's the "how to build your self-esteem" part?"

If you're curious wanting to know "how to build your self-esteem", don't forget to read my next post :D

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

My challenge :D

Today was the first day of snow.  It was -15 degree Celsius if I'm not mistaken. It was a little windy as well. I was late for my class because my buss was stuck in the traffic. In a regular day, the trip would only take me about half an hour to get to downtown (before switching to another bus that goes to my university), but today it took me about an hour and a half. I was mostly asleep, hehe.
Whenever I'm on the buss, I usually sleep. I try to read though (I'm hoping to be smart a little:D) but it doesn't work. I always get nausea :(

To be honest, I hate the weather! It's cold and wet! Not to mention, windy too which makes my head hurts. There's nothing to like about this city (I have to admit!) or maybe I'm just being ungrateful (once again!) :(
And if I keep on being like this, there's gonna be more complaints and of course dissatisfaction (not to mention unhappiness from within!).
But guess what? I want to make an effort to love this city because I figure I'm going to be here for the next few years anyway (since I'm planning to finish university here)

So I came up with this question, how to love this city? (I hope you guys know which city I'm talking about:D)

First challenge is,

Can I love the snow?

It's really weird. When I first came here, I was excited to see the snow. I couldn't even wait! (I came here in March). Now? I hate it! It's cold! It's gloomy! It's depressing! But hey I've been hating this situation for a long time, so it's time to love it (or at least try to love it :D)

To be honest, there are many other things I hate about this city but I've given up to hate it.
It's true, when you hate a situation that ALLAH puts you in, it doesn't do you any good. So I guess I really do need to love this city! So guys, wish me luck in this challenge! :D

Monday, 22 October 2012

Jadilah teman baik bagi dirimu sendiri ;)

Selama ini ketika seseorang berbuat baik, kita selalu mengucapkan, "terimakasih" kepada seseorang tersebut.Tetapi pernahkah kita mengucapkan terimakasih pada diri kita sendiri?

 Contohnya, ketika sudah membersihkan kamar sendiri, "makasih ya karna udah mau bersihin kamar kamu sendiri hari ini", ato setelah masak, "makasih ya udah mau masak hari ini", ato setelah gosok gigi dan mandi, "makasih ya udah mau gosok gigi dan mandi hari ini" :D
Juga selesai midterm (walo hasilnya tidak sesuai dgn keinginan), "makasih karna udah mau berusaha, Insya ALLAH midterm berikutnya bakal lebih baik. Aamiin"

Jadilah teman baik bagi dirimu sendiri dan hargailah setiap perbuatan (sekecil apapun) yg telah kamu lakukan.

***Selamat mencoba :D

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Career Workshop

In the beginning of my first year, I was so sure that I want to major in Psychology. I tell myself this is something I want to do. Whenever people ask, I always say I want to become psychologist one day.
However that doesn't stay for long.

As months go by, people start asking me questions such us: will I find a job? will I make enough money? It's hard to find a job for psychologist and many others questions follow.
These questions make me worry at the same time makes me think, is becoming a psychologist what I really want? Is doing something I love is enough?

Few days ago I went to "career workshop" which I think was really awesome.
***I think Indonesian university should have this as well or maybe they have already? :D
It made me realize that although money is important, but it isn't everything to me. There are more important things in life to care about such us caring and helping others which I can do it with Psychology. And the Psychologist who did the workshop told that was exactly his problem when choosing to major in Psychology: he was worried that he wouldn't be able to get a job.
But seriously, look at him now, he's an awesome psychologist because he loves what he's doing!
He might not make as much money, but he's satisfied. And even if he's struggling with money, he can always work harder as a psychologist and feel satisfied from within as well.

To be honest, I was little bit "galau" in the beginning. I was even thinking that ALLAH had left me alone to worry and confused. But after going to this workshop, it made me realized that it's so easy for us to just get mad at ALLAH when things don't go our way. We fail to realize that during this situation ALLAH is still guiding us and want us to actualy learn some skills that might be beneficial to others in the future.

I'm sure the Psychologist who did this workshop might have struggled himself with choosing his career that's why he wanted to help others.
I think it's really amazing how some people would do anything to help others and I really wish to do the same thing. So wish me luck! ;)

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Pengalaman saya berhasa inggris :D

Awal-awal saya belajar bahasa Inggris yaitu pada saat saya kelas 3 SD. Saat itu kami masih di ajarkan cara membaca huruf alphabet juga menghafal angka-angka dalam bahasa Inggris. Seingat saya, proses belajar-mengajar hanya berlangsung selama satu semester. Ketika itu guru bahasa Inggris kami hanya ada satu orang dan kebetulan beliau juga sedang mengandung. Alhasil, ketika beliau harus melahirkan, saat itu pula kami harus berhenti belajar bahasa Inggris. Tragis memang. Tapi apa hendak di kata.

Memasuki SMP, saya mulai belajar bahasa Inggris lagi. Jujur saja, di awal semester saya pernah di hukum skotjam karna saya tidak bisa mengeja huruf alphabet dalam bahasa Inggris. A-B-C-D-E-F-G, lalu seterus nya saya blank. Hehe.

Sejak kejadian itu, saya trauma. Jujur saja, saat itu saya sangat membenci yang nama nya pelajaran bahasa Inggris! Saya mulai dag-dig-dug ketika guru bahasa Inggris kami memasuki ruangan. Dan parahnya, guru tersebut menjadi guru bahasa Inggris saya selama 3 tahun berturut-turut!
***Bisa teman-teman bayangkan bagaimana nasib saya saat itu?:D

Mungkin sebagian teman-teman berfikir selama 3 tahun tersebut saya telah mencoba untuk menaklukkan rasa takut saya, maka anda salah! :D

Memasuki SMA, walau rasa takut saya sedikit berkurang (karna guru nya udah bukan bapak itu lagi:D hehe), tapi tetap saja saya trauma dengan pelajaran bahasa Inggris! Writing, speaking, listening, reading, grammars, oh nooooo!

Di SMA saya mulai banyak belajar dan les bahasa Inggris di luar karna saya ingin sekali bisa menaklukkan rasa takut saya. Saya juga pernah les bahasa Inggris di luar pas saya SMP, tapi hanya berjalan beberapa minggu, saya terpaksa keluar karna saya harus sekolah sampai sore :(

Hanya saja dalam kegaulauan, saya tetap memohon kepada ALLAH agar ALLAH memberi saya kesempatan untuk belajar bahasa inggris (supaya saya tidak trauma lagi).

ALLAH Maha mendengar!

Di tahun 2007 saya sekeluarga pindah ke Canada, negara di mana bahasa utama nya adalah bahasa Inggris! Amazing bukan?
Bapak saya sudah duluan hijrah ke negara ini. Barulah di tahun 2007 beliau bisa mensponsor kami sekeluarga (sebelumnya beliau sudah mensponsor, tapi selalu gagal).

Lalu apa hikmah di balik kejadian? Apa yang bisa saya pelajari dari pengalaman saya tersebut?

Saya percaya ketika ALLAH menempatkan kita pada suatu posisi yang tidak kita sukai, ALLAH ingin mengajari kita agar kita bersabar, bersyukur dan yang paling penting tidak putus asa akan rahmatNya. Satu hal lagi, saya percaya ketika ALLAH tidak memberikan sesuatu yang kita inginkan, bukan karna ALLAH membenci kita, akan tetapi ALLAH ingin memberikan kita yang lebih baik.
Contoh saja dari pengalaman saya, kegalauan saya selama di SMP dan SMA dalam belajar bahasa Inggris tergantikan dengan yang lebih baik, yaitu saya bisa tinggal dan bisa langsung belajar bahasa Inggris di Canada (negara di mana bahasa utama nya adalah bahasa Inggris!).
**Walo terkadang saya sering galau karna tinggal di Canada, tapi itu cuma karna saya kurang bersyukur. hehe

Satu hal yang pasti, berbaik sangka lah terhadap ALLAH. Jangan memaksa ALLAH untuk selalu memberikan apa yang kita inginkan lalu ketika tidak ALLAH berikan, kita marah. ALLAH tau yang terbaik bagi kita, sesuai dengan firmanNya:

"Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu padahal ia amat baik bagimu dan boleh jadi (pula) kamu menyukai sesuatu padahal ia amat buruk bagimu. ALLAH mengetahui, sedang kamu tidak tahu"
(QS Al-Baqarah:216)

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Let's be positive :D

Ketika kita di hadapkan pada suatu keadaan yang kita tidak sukai, hindari pertanyaan:
- Kenapa ini terjadi padaku?
- Kenapa nasib ku malang sekali?
- Kenapa kok cuma aku, tapi dia nggak? 

- Apa yang bisa aku pelajari dari kejadian ini?
- Bagaimana hal ini bisa membuat ku menjadi lebih baik dari diriku yang sebelumnya?

Ketika kita bertanya dgn pertanyaan2 yang positive, maka fikiran kita pun akan mencoba mencari jawaban2 yang positive.

Dalam sebuah hadits qudsi ALLAH berfirman :
"Aku sesuai dengan prasangka hamba-Ku kepada-Ku, maka ia bebas berprasangka kepada-Ku sesuai yang dia mau"

Dan dgn pertanyaan2 positive inilah kita menunjukkan prasangka baik kita terhadap ALLAH.

Percayalah, setiap kejadian tidak terjadi dgn sia-sia, selalu ada hikmah di balik suatu kejadian. Bahkan kesalahan sekalipun bisa menjadikan kita lebih baik dari diri kita sebelumnya (tentu jika kita belajar dari kesalahan2 kita dan berniat utk tidak mengulanginya lagi)

Sooo, let's be positive! :D

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

ALLAH knows best

There are so many things that we want in life,
but we don't get it.
Guess what?!
We become really frustrated and angry.
We ask, and ask these questions:
"ALLAH, how could you do this to me?"
"Why is it so unfair? She or he has it, why don't I?"
"What's wrong with me? Don't you love me?"

We forgot that ALLAH knows best.
He created us therefore He knows what's best for our life.
But we don't see this because we're too focused on all the things that we want,
as if we know what's best for our life.

My favourite quote from Quran:

"Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu padahal ia amat baik bagimu dan boleh jadi (pula) kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu. ALLAH mengetahui, sedang kamu tidak"

(QS : Al-Baqarah : 216 )

I think the only solution would be,
keep asking for ALLAH's guidance so that we are patient and faithful with His plan.
Sooo, keep praying ;)

Ask "good" questions :)

When something happens, don't ask :

- Why is this happening to me?
- Why me?

But instead ask "good questions" such us":

- What can I learn from this?

Your mind will start looking for answers. Also this will shift your focus to become more positive in life.

***Source :

Monday, 15 October 2012

Mari Bersyukur :D

Para psikolog telah membuktikan bahwa "bersyukur" itu bisa mengobati stress dan depresi (baca: galau). Mereka juga menganjurkan untuk menuliskan (minimal 10 hal) yang anda syukuri pada selembar kertas (kalo bisa hal-hal tersebut di tuliskan secara mendetil)  lalu menempel nya (boleh di kamar, ruang tamu, dapur).
Oleh karena itu mari kita praktikan sama-sama.

Okay, here we go :D 

1. Alhamdulillah saya di lahirkan sebagai seorang muslim dan percaya akan keberadaan ALLAH (Tuhan yang satu)
- Banyak sekali orang-orang di luar sana yang masi belum yakin akan keberadaan Tuhan dan masih mencari-cari apa tujuan hidupnya.

2.  Alhamdulillah saya masih ALLAH beri kesempatan untuk hidup sampai detik ini sehingga saya masih bisa memohon ampun di hadapanNya.
- Bayangkan jika ALLAH tidak memberi saya kesempatan untuk memohon ampun akan dosa-dosa saya? =.="

3. Alhamdulillah saya masih memiliki orang tua dan sodara-sodara kandung.
- Banyak di luar sana yang tidak mempunyai keluarga, bahkan tidak tau siapa orang tua kandung mereka.

4. Alhamdulillah saya masih mepunyai teman-teman yang baik di sisi saya.
- Saya bersukur karna lahir dan di besarkan di Aceh karna di tempat ini lah saya memiliki teman-teman yang bisa saya anggap seperti keluarga sendiri.

5. Alhamdulillah sampai detik ini saya masih ALLAH beri kesehatan (saya masih bisa melihat, bernafas, mendegar, berbicara, berjalan, menggunakan tangan saya, jantung saya masih bekerja, dan sebagainya)

6. Alhamdulillah ALLAH masih mengizinkan saya untuk kuliah dan menempuh pendidikan di luar negeri (akhirnya saya bisa berbicara bahasa Inggris walau masih tertatih-tatih :D )

7. Alhamdulillah ALLAH memberi kesempatan bagi saya untuk merasakan snow :D

8. Alhamdulillah saya masih punya tempat tinggal.

9. Alhamdulillah saya masih bisa makan-minum sepuasnya, tanpa kekurangan.

10 . Alhamdulillah saya bisa menulis sehingga saya bisa menuliskan note ini :D

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Why can't you (always) get what you want?

Do you ever wonder why often you can't have the things you want most? Perhaps if you got them in this life, they would distract you from Him. Perhaps He withholds some things that you love in this life to keep your heart from being distracted and then gives those things to you in the next. Forever.

(Yasmin Mogahed)

Friday, 12 October 2012

He withholds to give

Sometimes He doesn't give you what you're asking for, because He wants to give you something better. He withholds to give - Yasmin Mogahed


"This being human is a guest-house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows,
Who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture.
Still, treat each guest honorably.

He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.
Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Who are you really rebelling against, really?

When we 'rebel against God' and do whats forbidden for us, its like 'rebelling' against a doctor who tells you not to drink poison. When you drink the poison anyway, who are you really rebelling against? Who are you really hurting? Who are you killing? Yourself or the Doctor - Yasmin Mogahed

Friday, 5 October 2012

Allah's blessing

I remember learning English when I was in grade 3, but it was just some basics. We did learn English alphabet, but not in depth. Then our English teacher had to give birth, so she had to take a year off or something. So that was it!

When I was in Junior High, I was asked to do "skotjam" in front of the class because I couldn't pronounce English alphabet. A, B, C, D, E, F, G was fine, but the rest I had absolutely no idea. I tried to sing the alphabet song in my head, but still I didn't work for me.

Ever since, every time there's an English class, I was so scared to death. I was very nervous, especially with that teacher who had asked me to do "skotjam". I was traumatized by him =.=
Also if there was time for us to go to English Lab, I would be sweating. Because for me that was the most difficult part, speaking in English! Can you imagine?
I have to admit, the teacher was little bit mean. I remember there was a girl who couldn't pronounce the word "fine" and pronounce it "fan" instead. The teacher made fun of her.
Can you imagine how would you have felt if you were that girl???
I know that I'm in no position to judge that teacher, he must have had his reasons for doing so. But I just don't think teachers are allowed to do that. I still think that teachers are there to help students to learn, not making fun of them.

Okay back to my story.

In Senior High, I still had the same problem unfortunately. Every time there was an English class, just by the sound of the teacher's foot steps, I would be terrified.
If you're wondering what had I done to conquer my fear, yes I've done something!
I took English course outside, unfortunately it didn't last very long because I was in "unggul" class at the time which required us to be at school from morning to evening. We had weekends off, but that's it.
So I had to quit from that English course which was pretty sad :(
Learning English in class just wasn't enough and my parents didn't have that much money to hire a private English teacher for me.

So what happened then?

Many people have tried to win many competitions or applied to many scholarships so that they can study abroad.
For me it's really is ALLAH's blessing that I can come here at all.

In my prayer, I always ask ALLAH so that I could speak English one day.
Who would have thought that Calgary, Canada is the place for me to learn English?

In second semester of grade 11,  my family and I moved to Calgary, Canada. Can you imagine that?
Moving to an English speaking country with no advanced English ability whatsoever?
ALLAH is no doubt The Al-Mighty. Alhamdulillah, praised due to ALLAH.

So I started learning as an ESL (English as a Second Language) student in Canada. I started off from level 2. Then continued to reading-15 (which was later taken off as part of the program), then level 3 and 4.
(It used to be level 2, reading 15 then level 3, reading 25 then level 4)
Each level lasts for one semester. It was a long journey for me to learn English and I'm still not done yet. I still want to learn English more and more! And as you can see, my grammars are all over the place, but the difference is that, now you can actually say I'm not scared of English anymore! :D lol

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Mari sama-sama berbenah

Banyak dari kita yang mempelajari bahasa Inggris dengan sungguh-sungguh ketika punya keinginan untuk bisa keluar negeri. Ini gak salah memang, bahkan ini hal yang sangat-sangat di anjurkan.
Akan tetapi ada hal yang lebih penting lagi yang harus di pelajari, yaitu agama kita. Sudahkan kita mengenal Tuhan kita dengan baik? Sudahkah kita menjadikan Al-quran dan hadis sebagai pedoman? Jika belum, mari sama-sama berbenah.
Life out here is full of surprises. Kita gak tau siapa yg bakal kita temui sehari-hari nya yg (mungkin) bisa merubah cara berfikir kita.
Sekali lagi, mari sama-sama berbenah ;)