Saturday, 30 March 2013

Dimana letak fokus anda?!

Sebenarnya semua itu tergantung pada letak fokus kita dimana.

Pas kecil, sebagian kita ada yg pengen di bliin maenan sama ortu, kalo g dapat, pasti galau. Inii masi level satu. Dan fokus kita saat itu adalah maenan yang g di beliin, dan hal inilah yg menyebabkan kita galau.

Trus pas SMP, bagi sebagian remaja nii, fokus nya pengen punya pacar. Kalo g dapat, bakal galau level dua :D

Naah, waktu SMA, fokus nya udh sdikit beda. Sebagian kita ada yg masi fokus pengen punya pacar, sebagian lgi ada yg pengen bisa masuk universitas2 ternama, dan ada juga yg pengen langsung nikah. Dan sebagainya. Dan lagi2 kalo g dapat, bakal galau tingkat 3

Sekaraaaang, bagi yg masi kuliah ato udh kerja, fokus nya udah pengen bisa cepat2 nikah, pengen punya anak banyak, dan pengen bisa hidup happily ever after :D
Dan lagi2 kalau g dapat, bakal galau tingkat maximum!!!

Dan memang, bagi sebagian kita, ketika tidak mendapatkan hal-hal yang kita inginkan, dunia seakan kiamat! :D

Kisah Nabi Musa AS:

Sdikit berbicara ttg kisah teladan. Saat itu nabi Musa sedang di kejar oleh tentara Firaun, dan akhirnya beliau sampai ke tepi laut merah. Para pengikut nabi Musa langsung pesimis. Mereka yakin sekali kalo mereka gak bakal terselamatkan. Karna memang jalan nya udah buntu. Bayangkan, di depan laut merah, dan di belakang mereka ada tentara Firaun yg sedang mengejar. Apa mereka masi bisa terselamatkan??!!

Tapi Nabi Musa saat itu gak galau. Beliau g liat kemampuan diri, yg memang sama sekali gak ada apa2 nya. Kalo saat itu Nabi Musa pesimis, pasti beliau juga bakal berfikir, ini pasti gak bakal ada jalan keluarnya. Mau kemana coba?! Beliau sama sekali gak terfokus pada masalah yang sedang beliau hadapi saat itu. Fokus beliau hanya tawakkal pada ALLAH. Beliau yakin dengan sepenuh hati kalo ALLAH akan memberi pertolonganNya. Selanjutnya beliau hanya berdoa dan berusaha. Dan memang, pertolongan ALLAH itu dekat. ALLAH membelah laut merah utk memberi jalan kepada kaum nabi Musa. Yang juga pada akhirnya, laut merah tersebut menenggelamkan tentara Firaun.

Bayangkan, kalo ALLAH mampu membelah laut merah dan menenggelamkan tentara Firaun, apa gak mungkin ALLAH juga bakal memberi jalan keluar atas masalah-masalah kita?!!

Impossible kah bagi ALLAH?!

Inilah yg menyebabkan kita sring galau, karna kita salah meletakkan fokus kita. Kita sring sekali terfokus pada masalah ato hal2 yg nggak kita punya, dari pada terfokus pada ALLAH yg bakal memberi jalan keluar kepada kita.

Sekali lagi, coba tanyakan pada diri sendiri, dimana letak fokus kita?!

ALLAH kah?!

Ato masalah yg sedang kita hadapi?!

Monday, 25 March 2013

Tie your camel and put your trust in ALLAH

When a man came to Prophet Mohammed (s) and asked him if he should have trust in Allah, or tie his camel and then have trust in Allah. The Prophet (s) replied that he should tie his camel securely and put his trust in Allah.

Often time you wonder, have you tied your camel properly? Because tying your camel is all you could do as human, and leave the rest of the matter to ALLAH. But then, are you using proper rope to tie your camel?! Would you go back to check it again, just to make sure that your camel is secured?! Then you second guess yourself, is tying your camel will even make a difference?! For if ALLAH wills that your camel will be lost, then nothing can change that. Where can you draw the line?! How much you're supposed to do your parts?! Will that change it all?!

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Tawwakul - Yasmin Mogahed

When a man came to Prophet Mohammed (s) and asked him if he should have trust in Allah, or tie his camel and then have trust in Allah, the Prophet (s) replied that he should tie his camel securely and put his trust in Allah.
Tawwakul is not an act of the limbs—it is an act of the heart.  And so while the limbs are striving hard, the heart is completely reliant on Allah.  This means whatever the outcome of the limbs’ striving, the heart will be completely satisfied, knowing that it is the flawless decision of Allah.
But in order to reach this level, one must hold on to hope, strive with the limbs, and let go with the heart.

Is oxygen more important than love?!

There has been an interesting argument going on, between my friends and I, about what is more important between love and oxygen. I think you can never separate them both, for they both have to co-exist with each other. One of my friend made a really good point by saying that we can still breath without love. I agree with this, but I don't think you'd last very long because humans can't really stand if the heart remains empty. The conversation went on. He later added that everything's easy in the hands of ALLAH. ALLAH could even make hemoglobin attached to nitrogen, or carbon dioxide and turned them into non-toxic chemicals.
***He's a med student by the way, so I'm assuming that he knows what's he's talking about. LOL

The other two friends mentioned that, it's out of ALLAH's love that he gives us the oxygen in the first place and oxygen exists out of ALLAH's mercy, which I think another really good points.

Anyway, I do think that love is more important than oxygen. However, it depends on what love are we really referring to. To me, it's not this world's love in any forms because this love could actually suffocate us (even though there's oxygen!). It is really an everlasting love . . . it is the love of and for ALLAH ALLAH Azza Wajalla . . . 

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Focus on The Most Merciful

When you're in pain, don't focus on the pain. Focus on the One who heals all pain. When you're stuck, don't look at the Red Sea in front of you. Look at the One who can split it in two! - Yasmin Mogahed

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Quote of the day

Tawakkul is having full faith that Allah will take care of you—even when things look impossible. Tawakkul is standing in front of the Red Sea—as Prophet Musa did—with an army behind you, and not even flinching, knowing that Allah will get you through. It is having full faith that when Allah takes away the umbilical cord...He will replace it with milk - Yasmin Mogahed

Tawakkul: Holding the Handhold that Never Breaks - Yasmin Mogahed

He was devastated. His only source of nourishment had disappeared.
It was all he knew, and now it was gone. Suddenly, the world grew cold, and only strangers surrounded him. The newborn child screamed. He thought his life was over.
What the child did not realize was that there was someone taking care of him.
There was a plan for him. And in place of everything that had been taken away, his Protector would provide something better. The nourishment he had once received only through blood would soon come through his mother’s milk.  And the lifeless walls of the womb-once thought to be his only protection- would soon be replaced by the comfort of his family’s arms.
And yet, to the newborn child, it would seem he had lost everything.

Many of us find ourselves like this child.  There are times when we feel we have lost everything, or things look broken and nothing like how we wished they would be.  At times we even feel as though we’ve been abandoned and nothing is working out the way we planned.
But just like that newborn child, things are often not what they seem, and tawakkul (trusting and relying on Allah) is realizing that our Protector has a plan for us.  Tawakkul is having complete trust that Allah’s plan is the best plan. Tawakkul is having full faith that Allah will take care of you
—even when things look impossible.  Tawakkul is standing in front of the Red Sea—as Prophet Musa did—with an army behind you, and not even flinching, knowing that Allah will get you through.
It is having full faith that when Allah takes away the umbilical cord, He will replace it with milk.
There can be no faith without tawakkul; and if there is true faith, tawakkul must always follow. 
Allah says in the Qur’an: “The believers are only those who, when Allah is mentioned, their hearts become fearful, and when His verses are recited to them, it increases them in faith; and upon their Lord they rely (have tawakkul)” (8:2).
If one truly understands the Reality and the power of Allah,
one will realize that it is in fact an infirmity of the human mind to not rely on Allah. 
Nothing in the entire universe happens except by the permission of Allah.
Not even a leaf falls from a tree without His leave (hadith). 
It is He who provides for everything in existence; He has power over all things,
and in His hand is the dominion of the heavens and the earth (Qur’an, 67:1-2).
So how could we not but put our entire trust in Him?
Allah tells the believers in the Qur’an:
“Say, “Never will we be struck except by what Allah has decreed for us; He is our protector.”
And upon Allah let the believers rely” (9:51).
The Qur’an explains that, “And whoever relies upon Allah – then He is sufficient for him” (65:3). 
And the Reality is that there is nothing and nowhere else that will be sufficient. 
Allah is the only handhold that never breaks (Quran 2: 256).
The Messenger of Allah (s) said: “If you trust Allah with the right kind of tawakkul,
He will provide you sustenance as He provides for the birds – they go out in the morning with empty stomachs and come back in the evening with full stomachs” (Tirmidhi).
And just like He does for the birds and the newborn child,
Allah provides for us from places we could never imagine.

The place I wish I could be at right now . . .

If this is the best we could get in this dunia, then how is Jannah?!

Trust the Master Plan & smile :)

One way not to get consumed in your troubles and difficulties is to KEEP THE END IN MIND and put everything into perspective. When you take time to look at the BIG picture somehow your problems aren't as daunting. Take a deep breath, believe that what you are going through is temporary , trust the Master Plan & smile :) - Haleh Banani

Monday, 18 March 2013

What you give up for God is never lost

Mother of Musa had to let go of what she loves.But what u give up for God is never lost.He returns it just as He returned Musa to his mother - Yasmin Mogahed

Be patient. You are in Our eyes

Don't look at the pain you're in.Don't look at what you've lost. Look at whose 'eyes' you are in: "Be are in Our eyes."(52:48)

Letting go - Yasmin Mogahed

Stop tormenting yourself. Just let go  . . .  

One thing that I take for granted . . .

Just a week ago I chatted with my best friend from Aceh. She told me I am lucky to live in a country where it snows. She really wanted to touch snow! When I heard about this, I felt like somebody has just punched me in the stomach. I have been so ungrateful and have taken things for granted. I just realized that there are still people out there who haven't touched or even seen snow. However, here I am, hating and complaining when it snows because I can't tolerate the cold weather. Her honesty is really an eye opening for me.
So, in the afternoon after getting home from school, I took this picture and tag her on facebook. This snow is a special present for her, for reminding me how I should be thanking ALLAH for the blessing that I once took for granted . . .

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Maher Zain Concert

When I thought my life was about to end, I was wrong. My life has just began. So long I'm still alive, the condition in my life will keep changing, for that's what's constant in this world. This life will never be perfect. Neither perfectly sad, nor perfectly happy. It's always something in between. 

My family and I went to Maher Zain concert yesterday. I was so thrilled and so excited! Finally, I get to see Maher Zain live in Calgary! Alhamdulillah! We were like crazy fans! LOL. Screaming out his name! The best part was when the MC mentioned Indonesia, we were like "woohooooo", we're from Indonesia!!! :D

Anyway, here's some of our pictures together with Maher Zain!!!! :P

He is a?! He is a?! Masya ALLAH!!! :D

My sister and I at the concert

My sister and cousin were at the front row. My other cousin and I were blocked by people's hands. I guess were unlucky. Well, there will be next time hopefully, Insya ALLAH :D