I've been worrying a lot. Like A LOT! Well mostly about my future. I know future scares us, doesn't it?
The unwanted thoughts like , "what if I don't finish my school?", "what if I don't graduate on time?", "what if I don't get a good job", "what if I can't pay my loans?" and series of "what if" followed.
Then how can you quiet this unwanted thoughts and calm yourself down in the process?
Well, we need to find out the "root" of the problem before we're able to answer this question and find the solution.
To start of with, let's ask another question (questions are good by the way :D )
I've been following sister Yasmin Mogahed lectures. She've been talking about our precious heart that tends to get "empty". And most people want to fill the emptiness in their heart because we can't just feel nothing! We need to feel something, ALWAYS!
Some people fill their heart with the love for their children, some people fill it with the love for their spouse and many others. And some of us who don't have children or spouse, fill our heart with excessive "worrying" :D
Like I said before, we can't feel nothing, we need to feel something! Just anything!
So the answer to the question, WHY DO WE WORRY, would be : we just need to fill the emptiness of our heart with something! As a result, we worry!
Another answer would be, we worry because everyone else worries. It's like a disease, so contagious! One time I see my friends who worries a lot and found myself who seems sooo at ease, questioning, "why I am not worried?" and I worried a lot ever since ( - - )"
To some extend, YES! For example, if we have an exam and we're not "worrying" which makes us don't want to prepare for it, can you imagine the chaos?
But (there's a but!) if our worry prevents us from functioning properly, then that's a disease which needs to be cured! (Excessive worrying for example)
As sister Yasmin Mogahed has said, worries result from lack of trust in our creator. It seems like we don't trust ALLAH that He knows what He's doing. Of course we don't say that we don't trust ALLAH, but we show it with our action such us "worrying".
Sister Yasmin further mention how prophet Musa(AS) is not worried when facing with firaun. When he stood in front of the red sea, he had no doubts that ALLAH will help him. And it's true, ALLAH made a way out for him by splitting the red sea! Can you imagine how powerful ALLAH is?!
So, everytime you find yourself worrying, ask yourself question "WHY AM I SO WORRIED ABOUT?" and slowly tell yourself that ALLAH is taking care of us, there's nothing to worry about. You just need to try your best in this world and leave the result to ALLAH. Of course this is easier said than done, but it's not impossible. We just need a little practise to train our thoughts :)
The unwanted thoughts like , "what if I don't finish my school?", "what if I don't graduate on time?", "what if I don't get a good job", "what if I can't pay my loans?" and series of "what if" followed.
Then how can you quiet this unwanted thoughts and calm yourself down in the process?
Well, we need to find out the "root" of the problem before we're able to answer this question and find the solution.
To start of with, let's ask another question (questions are good by the way :D )
I've been following sister Yasmin Mogahed lectures. She've been talking about our precious heart that tends to get "empty". And most people want to fill the emptiness in their heart because we can't just feel nothing! We need to feel something, ALWAYS!
Some people fill their heart with the love for their children, some people fill it with the love for their spouse and many others. And some of us who don't have children or spouse, fill our heart with excessive "worrying" :D
Like I said before, we can't feel nothing, we need to feel something! Just anything!
So the answer to the question, WHY DO WE WORRY, would be : we just need to fill the emptiness of our heart with something! As a result, we worry!
Another answer would be, we worry because everyone else worries. It's like a disease, so contagious! One time I see my friends who worries a lot and found myself who seems sooo at ease, questioning, "why I am not worried?" and I worried a lot ever since ( - - )"
To some extend, YES! For example, if we have an exam and we're not "worrying" which makes us don't want to prepare for it, can you imagine the chaos?
But (there's a but!) if our worry prevents us from functioning properly, then that's a disease which needs to be cured! (Excessive worrying for example)
As sister Yasmin Mogahed has said, worries result from lack of trust in our creator. It seems like we don't trust ALLAH that He knows what He's doing. Of course we don't say that we don't trust ALLAH, but we show it with our action such us "worrying".
Sister Yasmin further mention how prophet Musa(AS) is not worried when facing with firaun. When he stood in front of the red sea, he had no doubts that ALLAH will help him. And it's true, ALLAH made a way out for him by splitting the red sea! Can you imagine how powerful ALLAH is?!
So, everytime you find yourself worrying, ask yourself question "WHY AM I SO WORRIED ABOUT?" and slowly tell yourself that ALLAH is taking care of us, there's nothing to worry about. You just need to try your best in this world and leave the result to ALLAH. Of course this is easier said than done, but it's not impossible. We just need a little practise to train our thoughts :)
Hopefully this will help us quiet the unwanted thoughts and calm ourselves down in the process :)
worrying disorder