Tuesday, 12 February 2013


If you could give advice to yourself right now, what would it be?!

"Please don't give up hope, because God do exist and He's the most merciful. You're not alone! He's always watching you and would never abandon you. He never sleeps, He takes care of all of us. Forgive the mistakes you've made, because you're just this human being with flaws. Ask God for help and ask yourself, "what can I learn from my mistakes so that it will make me a better person"?! Furthermore, keep going for this isn't the end . . .


  1. halooo
    semangat semangatt :D
    eh btw kamu tinggal di kanada? :o
    kamu sekarang s1 apa gimana?hihi
    nice to meet u
    nice to see people blog to motivate themselves :)

  2. Thanks Khansa :D
    Iya, di Canada, program S1 jurusan psikologi, doain ya mogaa moga lancar Aamiin Aamiin :)
    Nice to meet you as well. Thanks Khansa. You too, keep writing. I read most of your posts, especially when you write about your hectic activities. They're really inspiring. Keep writing ;)
