Posted on July 28, 2012 by admin in Uncategorized
Written by Marwa
Many of us say we trust in God. We often say that God knows best. Our tongues are programmed to say “God willing” with most of our sentences. We often say, “If it’s meant to be, it will be.” For some, these are just words that don’t reach beyond their voice boxes. For others, they are words that the tongue says and the heart confirms but the words do not play a role in their actions. And then there are those who are of a different caliber. They are the ones who say it, feel it, and embody it. Their hearts are at rest fully knowing that God is in complete and total control. Their hearts are not preoccupied with worries and fears for they only see their creator and trust in what He has ordained for them.
Which category do we fall in? Are we amongst those who say we trust in God, but then worry and fear what might befall us in the future? Are we of those who say God is our creator and he is in control of our provisions, but then turn to the creation as if our fate is in their hands? People are afraid of letting go. They feel that the moment they let go, they lose all control. They fear that if they stop worrying, they are doing nothing to fix their problems. So they hold on to their worries, convincing themselves that they are “working on it.” Convincing themselves that they will fix it. What we fail to realize is that this power and control we thought we had before this problem existed was never there to begin with. But every now and then, God will present us with problems that leave us feeling helpless and powerless to remind us of who really is the ultimate Helper, and who really has all the power. We keep looking to ourselves for all the answers. And when we don’t have them, we start to worry and anxiously look to other creation lest they might have a way out for us. We are hit with the reality that we have no solution to this problem in front of us. We recognize that the future is unseen and holds so many possible outcomes. So in these vulnerable moments, all we have are our thoughts and so we start to worry. We start to think of all the “what ifs” that can occur, just so we can feel we are doing something. Just so we can feel we have some type of control. And in the end, despite the many hours of worrying, fearing, and thinking of all the different scenarios that could h
appen, the truth is we gained no control what so ever in the process. We lie to ourselves so we can keep holding on to this illusion of control.
What are your worries? What are your fears? What are your distractions? What keeps you awake at night? And then ask yourself, have any of these worries, fears, distractions, and those endless nights made a difference in what your future presented to you? Have they helped you move forward in any way? All that they accomplished is that they added a weight to our hearts. They kept us from moving forward. They hovered over us like a cloud preventing us from seeing the rays of the sun. Most importantly, they blinded us from the truth. The truth and reality that our creator is in full control, and that there is no leaf on the face of the earth that does not fall without Him saying, “Be and it is.” Letting go is the gift. Submitting our hearts is where all the security lies. It is in this act of submitting that we realize only God knows the way out of the situation we are in. He is the source of all solutions, all help, and all relief. He has full knowledge of the seen and unseen and full control over everything. He is the only one worthy of us submitting our hearts to, for everything we have or don’t have is because of his power. Our existence and the existence of everything we see around us is because he said “Be and it is.” So put forth the effort, strive for success, make the most out of today, and plan for tomorrow, but fully understand that your choices are yours, and that the results, future, and outcomes are in the Best of Hands.
“…Whoever takes refuge in Me and not in My creation, even though heaven and earth conspire against him, I will find him a way out.” (Quran)
” So put your trust in God alone if you are indeed believers.” (Quran, 5:23)
Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “If you place your trust in God, truly trusting in Him, He will provide for you as He provides for the birds who are hungry in the morning yet satiated in the evening.”
“……..there is no agent but God the Most High: of all that exists in creation—sustenance given or withheld, life or death, riches or poverty, and everything else that can be named—the sole one who initiated and originated it all is God Most High. And when this has been made clear to you, you will not see anything else, so that your fear will be of Him, your hope in Him, your trust in Him, and your security with Him, for He is the sole agent without any other. Everything else is in His service, for not even the smallest atom in the worlds of heaven and earth is independent of him for its movement. If the gates of mystical insight were opened to you, this would be clear to you with clarity more perfect than ordinary vision. “ (Imam Abu-Hamid Al-Ghazali, “Faith in Divine Unity and Trust in Divine Providence.”)
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