Thursday, 13 December 2012

About me

Everyone is going through character changes. That includes me, of course! And what constant in this world is ALLAH, the only creator. We, as human being,will keep changing really. I've seen so many ppl change from good to bad, bad to worse. And vice versa. I also believe that mistakes aren't such a bad thing sometimes cuz we learn from them. I'm not saying that we should make mistakes intentionally, but what I'm saying is mistakes can be good if we learn from them. And this blog in particular will capture my changes. Change in perspectives and many other aspects of my life. And this page will also capture some of my mistakes which hopefully I'll learn from them. After all, I'm just this human being who God created with both strengths and weaknesses, which makes me perfect! Anyway, welcome to my blog ;)


  1. hai, salam kenal, saya blogger jogja, sekarang masih di luar negeri kah? Kuliah?
