Thursday, 20 December 2012

The Cycle of Behaviour


Aim: The aim of this workout is to help you to understand the cycle of behaviour works and how we look at our lives. The cycle of behaviour shows the pattern that we go through when trying to struggle against the nafs and we need to break free from this cycle inshaAllah to create balance.

My view is that the needs mentioned in the Hierarchy of Needs are not always needs, but rather desires. When I’m hungry, I desire food. It only really becomes a need once I reach the point of starvation- something which most of us are unlikely to experience. Allhamdulillah. So the instructions of Islam are there to liberate us from being a slave to our desires, rather than behaving in a way dictated to us by our desires. Islam, a religion of balance and moderation: we fast and at times we eat; we stand up for prayer at night and we sleep as well. So our desires are fulfilled in a balanced and moderate manner.
So what are the needs that drive the spiritual self? I believe that it is the need to know Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala. This is not merely theoretical knowledge that is gained from studying books, it includes some studying but it goes beyond that as well. Knowing of realisation and experience are key. We know through acts of worship and through doing the things that have been prescribed for us to do, the veils between us and Allah are lifted and we draw closer to Him.
Our relationship with Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala also plays a role. The heart is like a bird whose head is love, and hope and fear are its two wings. When the head and the two wings are in balance and healthy the flight of the bird is good, but when the head is cut off, it immediately dies, and when either or both wings are incomplete, the bird cannot fly properly and may become the victim of any hunter or trap. The righteous predecessors preferred to strengthen the wing of fear during good times when heedlessness is feared, and to strengthen the wing of hope at times of calamity and when near death.

The above diagram shows how we are in a cyclical pattern from the need to motive to behaviour
to goal attainment to equilibrium to need again. The motive is the reason why you are doing it
Identify your need, what your motive is, change or adjust your behaviour, achieve your goal and
be in balance. Until you start the cycle again and continue to improve inshaAllah.

Now that you have read this, how do you feel about your motivators and needs?

Source: Working Muslim © 2011
Wo r k Fa i t h B a l a n c e Re s o u r c e 6 : Cy c l e o f B e h a v i o u r
NB : Th i s r e s o u r c e i s t o b e u s e d w i t h Wo r k Fa i t h Ba l a n c e , b y S a i y y i d a h Za i d i , wh i c h
c a n b e d o w n l o a d e d f r om www .wo r k f a i t h b a l a n c e . c om f o r f r e e .

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