Sometime, what you need isn't questions like, "Why do you do this and that?!", "How could you do this?!", or, "Suck it up, there are more people worse than you". Sometime what you need is just silence, showing that they care, understand what you're going through, without judging you or blaming you for your mistake. Just to be there, to understand . . .
Wednesday, 30 January 2013
Ust Felix Siauw
01. "Hai orang-orang yang beriman, jika datang kepadamu orang fasik membawa suatu berita, maka periksalah dengan teliti" (QS 49:6)
02. "agar kamu tidak menimpakan suatu musibah kepada suatu kaum tanpa mengetahui keadaannya" (QS 49:6)
03. "yang menyebabkan kamu menyesal atas perbuatanmu itu" (QS 49:6)
04. demikian Allah meminta kita agar berhati-hati meneruskan pesan | apa yang belum pasti lebih utama ditahan lisan
05. karena persangkaan (dzann) itu | beda hukumnya dengan kepastian (yaqin)
06. Allah melarang Muslim mengikuti persangkaan | "Dan kebanyakan mereka tidak mengikuti kecuali persangkaan" (QS 10:36)
07. "Sesungguhnya persangkaan (dzann) itu tidak sedikitpun berguna untuk mencapai kebenaran" (QS 10:36)
08. "Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui apa yang mereka kerjakan" (QS 10:36) | Allah yang Maha Mengetahui | bukan manusia yang ketahui
09. maka elok tentunya menahan diri atas apa yang belum pasti | agar dibelakang kelakuan kita tiada disesali
10. banyak kaum ingin menimpakan keburukan pada umat Muslim | baik dengan menyalahkan Islam atau dengan menyalahkan Muslim
11. suatu musibah yang menimpa seorang Muslim | adalah musibah yang menimpa Muslim semuanya dan Islam | bijak menyikapi itu utama
02. "agar kamu tidak menimpakan suatu musibah kepada suatu kaum tanpa mengetahui keadaannya" (QS 49:6)
03. "yang menyebabkan kamu menyesal atas perbuatanmu itu" (QS 49:6)
04. demikian Allah meminta kita agar berhati-hati meneruskan pesan | apa yang belum pasti lebih utama ditahan lisan
05. karena persangkaan (dzann) itu | beda hukumnya dengan kepastian (yaqin)
06. Allah melarang Muslim mengikuti persangkaan | "Dan kebanyakan mereka tidak mengikuti kecuali persangkaan" (QS 10:36)
07. "Sesungguhnya persangkaan (dzann) itu tidak sedikitpun berguna untuk mencapai kebenaran" (QS 10:36)
08. "Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui apa yang mereka kerjakan" (QS 10:36) | Allah yang Maha Mengetahui | bukan manusia yang ketahui
09. maka elok tentunya menahan diri atas apa yang belum pasti | agar dibelakang kelakuan kita tiada disesali
10. banyak kaum ingin menimpakan keburukan pada umat Muslim | baik dengan menyalahkan Islam atau dengan menyalahkan Muslim
11. suatu musibah yang menimpa seorang Muslim | adalah musibah yang menimpa Muslim semuanya dan Islam | bijak menyikapi itu utama
Tuesday, 29 January 2013
A healthy life style, is it a myth? or a reality?
Is it possible to maintain a healthy life style while you're in school?! For example, being able to maintain eight hours of sleep with no caffeine or other stimulants intake to keep you awake?! Eating veggies regularly and exercising?! I wonder . . .
Word of advice
( HADIST ) UJIAN DISESUAIKAN KADAR KEIMANAN - Sa'ad bin Abi Waqqash berkata, "Aku bertanya kepada Rasulullah Saw, "Ya Rasulullah, siapakah orang yang paling berat ujian dan cobaannya?" Nabi Saw menjawab, "Para nabi kemudian yang meniru (menyerupai) mereka dan yang meniru (menyerupai) mereka. Seseorang diuji menurut kadar agamanya. Kalau agamnya tipis (lemah) dia diuji sesuai dengan itu (ringan) dan bila imannya kokoh dia diuji sesuai itu (keras). Seorang diuji terus-menerus sehingga dia berjalan di muka bumi bersih dari dosa-dosa. (HR. Bukhari)
Monday, 28 January 2013
What scares me the most
The one thing that scares me the most is not having what I've always wanted, but it is losing ALLAH in my heart because I finally have what I've always dreamed of having, but fail to thank Him for every gifts that He has given . . .
Sunday, 27 January 2013
My Dad's Shahaada - Abdurraheem Green's father died as a Muslim!
I found this video moved me to tears. Thought I would like to share ;)
Saturday, 26 January 2013
Keep on walking
Sometime, you really think that this is the end of your journey and you feel like giving up,
but guess what, please don't! Keep on walking . . .
As long as you keep asking for His help and remain patient, God will guide you to find your way.
As long as you keep asking for His help and remain patient, God will guide you to find your way.
And one thing for sure, this is not the end. This is just the new of a beginning.
The end is when the angle comes and take away your soul,
it is the time when you'll be accountable for what you've done in this world.
So, be prepared for you don't want to end up in hell for eternity . . .
Happy birthday to you, my dear friend ;)
I've known her for almost two years now. She's originally from Afghanistan, but was born and raised in Iran. She's one year older than me, but we look pretty much at the same age. We first met on the bus, on my way home from school. I was still in High School and I think she was still taking some English courses. Anyway, we said hi and ask each others' name. But that was it. The thing about muslim women in foreign countries is that we recognize each other because of our hijab.
We meet again in University. I really didn't expect this. We share locker together, we spend time eating lunch together, and give some hugs at the end of the day (if we're too busy and couldn't meet). I practically love her like my own sister. By the way, she's majoring in nursing and nursing students study really hard people! :D That's why we barely meet :( But that's okay. I guess that's what makes the relationship grows stronger. The less time you spend with your loved ones, the more you realize to not ever take them for granted ;)
Anyway, today is her birthday! My cousin and I were invited to her birthday party. She also invited her relatives and friends. It was really homey. Her mother in law (she's married by the way!) was sooo nice to all of us. We ate some Afghani cuisine and spent the rest of the day dancing until our body aches. LOL
Friday, 25 January 2013
Mental Health Issue
I went to this workshop today and I found it very interesting. There were three students who shared their personal journeys dealing with mental health. The students were from different religious background. The first student was a christian who admitted to have convert to many different religions. The second student was a muslim and the third one was a native. They've talked about how their religion has impacted their personal well-being. One student who was a muslim talked about his experience with ADD(I think it's called ADD or something). And since then he realized how this journey has made him got closer to God. He even found himself thanking God for the fact that he's still alive to the very moment. He also read a very beautiful verse from Qur'an, surah Adz Dzuha, where it talks about prophet's Muhammad's journey. At the time, there was no revelation from God whatsoever. As a result, the meccan was telling prophet Muhammad PBUH that God has abandoned him. After that, came down the revelation that says:
Your Lord (O Muhammad (SAW)) has neither forsaken you nor hates you. (Ad-Dhuha:3)
This verse calms me down as well. Because sometime, I do feel so alone and empty. And this verse has made me realize that God has never left us alone. He's closer to us than our own jugular vein. He's watching us even now. However there are times when we feel so alone and empty, that's only because we're so far away from God and He wants to bring us back. Furthermore, God is also testing our faith in Him therefore never give up hope ;)
Finally, I got myself out there, and volunteered! ;D
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It's just a picture of me helping out one of the students ;) |
***I'was really excited to find out that this picture was posted on MRU facebook page. I was like, maaan, finally I get myself out there and contribute in society! ;D
Thursday, 24 January 2013
Academic Warnings
I've been so scared, so nervous, so tense, just thinking about my academic warnings. I've got two already! Does that surprise you?! Maybe for some, yeah. For those of you who don't know what academic warnings, you get the warnings if your GPA is below 2.
So how did I end up with two academic warnings?!
Well, here's my story. I'm not even a smart girl to begin with. I'm just lucky enough that I'm in university at all. Alhamdulillah, praise due to ALLAH for making this possible. And what happened was in my first year of university, I was so nervous. I couldn't keep up with pressure. I saw everyone study really hard. They didn't even sleep at night. They were constantly drinking coffee. And that worries me a little bit because I'm not like that. I don't study the way they do. I wouldn't give up my sleeping time for studying! I would rather get my 8 hours of sleep, and wake up in the morning fresh. Also, I wouldn't give up my prayer time which I normally take half or even an hour to do one prayer. You see the difference?! That worries me a little bit because I don't know if I'm doing the right thing. And if I have time after all of this, that's when I study.
One thing I realize that worries affect your study and that's how I end up with academic warnings! Too much pressure that I can't seem to handle.
One thing I realize that worries affect your study and that's how I end up with academic warnings! Too much pressure that I can't seem to handle.
Also, expectations, either from me, parents, or even society. Somehow, if you go to school, get good marks, then you'll get a good job that pays you good which lead to a good life and not to mention "good husband" (if you're girl, of course!).
And I don't know why this idea gets to me. I mean, I wasn't worried at all when I was in High School and I seemed to be doing just fine. I'm still alive, which is the only thing important since the hereafter is the reality. Now, why am I worried at all?! Why does it matter if I have a good job, good life, or even good husband?! Since when do I start to care?!
I guess I'm worried because everyone worries! And to not worry seems pretty naive because in this messed up world, C'mon, get real! *By the way, some people do think this way!
Is it possible to not worry at all?! I guess it is because we have God, the most powerful! He's above all this! Guess what, I'm really curious wanting to know how my semester will be.
Will I master my anxiety and not to worry at all?! Will I stay in university at all?!
I do believe if ALLAH wills, I'm gonna be staying next semester. Insya ALLAH. But if not, I'm sure ALLAH has a better plan. Better than I've ever imagined. Soo, what will happen to me?! Let's find out. By the way, I'll keep posting guys ;)
Sunday, 20 January 2013
Four Things I enjoy doing
Recently, I joined a program called "Mental Health First Aid" where we are trained to be Mental Health First Aiders. Our job is to "help an injured person before professional medical treatment can be obtained". Our job isn't to diagnosed people with mental health nor to give prescription. We are trained "to provide help to prevent the mental health problem from becoming more serious". I was registered for free because I volunteer with Students Association.
Anyway, our second session talked about the different types of mood disorders. What was shocking to me was the part where our instructor mentioned how these disorders can happen to anybody!
And the survivors were just regular people before they were diagnosed with disorders. And that worries me a little bit. I believe in Taqdir of ALLAH of course. If He wills, I might be diagnosed with the disorder as well. But, we still have to do our part which is to live a healthy life-style.
At the end of our session last week, my instructor gave us homework which is to find four things that we enjoy doing by ourselves. It's kind of like a "me-time". Soooo, I asked myself, what are the four things I enjoy doing by myself?
Well, praying will be number one! Cuz really, it soothes me. I find my prayer really calms me. Especially tahajud prayer because it's really quiet and peaceful at this time of the day. Not to mention, reading Qur'an (even for 10 ayats a day!) really helps! ;)
I'm also hoping to do Yoga. People have talked about it, how it has helped them calm down.
Secondly, will be blogging! I love writing! I just don't have the time yet to write everyday in my blog cuz my time-management is still horrible. But, I'm working on it. Sooo, wish me luck guys! ;)
Thirdly will be watching movies(preferably funny movies) and eat spaghetti while watching! LOL
I love watching people's expression. And mostly, I love when there are sounds and music. It makes the place less lonely. Hehe
Number four will be reading! I'm actually still working on reading cuz this doesn't come to me naturally. I have to force myself reading something, especially if it's text books, this could take forever! LOL
Guess what, I have my number five :D
It will be jogging in the morning! It doesn't have to be for a very long time. It could be just 20-25 minutes. I just run around the neighbourhood and sweat a little bit. LOL
Anyway, these are my four things I enjoy doing (well maybe five, hehe). What are yours? ;)
Anyway, our second session talked about the different types of mood disorders. What was shocking to me was the part where our instructor mentioned how these disorders can happen to anybody!
And the survivors were just regular people before they were diagnosed with disorders. And that worries me a little bit. I believe in Taqdir of ALLAH of course. If He wills, I might be diagnosed with the disorder as well. But, we still have to do our part which is to live a healthy life-style.
At the end of our session last week, my instructor gave us homework which is to find four things that we enjoy doing by ourselves. It's kind of like a "me-time". Soooo, I asked myself, what are the four things I enjoy doing by myself?
Well, praying will be number one! Cuz really, it soothes me. I find my prayer really calms me. Especially tahajud prayer because it's really quiet and peaceful at this time of the day. Not to mention, reading Qur'an (even for 10 ayats a day!) really helps! ;)
I'm also hoping to do Yoga. People have talked about it, how it has helped them calm down.
Secondly, will be blogging! I love writing! I just don't have the time yet to write everyday in my blog cuz my time-management is still horrible. But, I'm working on it. Sooo, wish me luck guys! ;)
Thirdly will be watching movies(preferably funny movies) and eat spaghetti while watching! LOL
I love watching people's expression. And mostly, I love when there are sounds and music. It makes the place less lonely. Hehe
Number four will be reading! I'm actually still working on reading cuz this doesn't come to me naturally. I have to force myself reading something, especially if it's text books, this could take forever! LOL
Guess what, I have my number five :D
It will be jogging in the morning! It doesn't have to be for a very long time. It could be just 20-25 minutes. I just run around the neighbourhood and sweat a little bit. LOL
Anyway, these are my four things I enjoy doing (well maybe five, hehe). What are yours? ;)
Thursday, 17 January 2013
A piece of advice to yourself
If you could give a piece of advice to yourself right now, what would it be?!
Sunday, 13 January 2013
There are times in my life
There are times in my life when I could finish bags of chips or boxes full of chocolates in just one night.
There are times in my life when I just can't close my eyes because my mind wouldn't stop thinking.
There are times in my life where my thoughts are filled with worries.
There are times in my life when I feel like this is the end of my journey.
There are times in my life when I want to give up, but
There are times in my life when I just decide that I have to keep on going . . .
There are times in my life when I just decide that I have to keep on going . . .
"Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. Because for those who love with heart and soul there is no such thing as separation!" --Rumi
Friday, 11 January 2013
Why I am NOT a Scientist
Currently, I've been reading this book called why I am not a scientist by Jonathan Marks. So far, I've only read chapter one. It's for my Cultural Perspective on Science. Anyway, I'll keep you posted about this book ;)
Hi guys, I've been reading this book and it's really difficult to understand. And we're going to have short essay on this due jan 31st which makes me little nervous because I don't know what to write about :(
Anyway, please wish me luck. Cuz I do really wish that I'm gonna be staying in university. But if not, I'm sure ALLAH has a better plan for me. Please, pray for me guys ;)
Hi guys, I've been reading this book and it's really difficult to understand. And we're going to have short essay on this due jan 31st which makes me little nervous because I don't know what to write about :(
Anyway, please wish me luck. Cuz I do really wish that I'm gonna be staying in university. But if not, I'm sure ALLAH has a better plan for me. Please, pray for me guys ;)
My precious water bottle
After finishing work today, I headed to the bus stop right away. But then, I realized that I forgot my apron. I left it in the store. I called my key holder right away, asking if she saw my apron in the store. She said she didn't, but I was sure I left it there. As a result, I went back. I didn't call her again because I didn't want to disturb while she was counting the paddy cash. She's been good enough, helping us out with the vacuuming and sometime sweeping or mopping the store. So, I waited outside.
While waiting, I was a little bored and asking myself what could I do to have fun. So I came up with an idea. I put my water bottle in a pile of snow. I set an alarm for ten minutes. I wanted to see if my water would be frozen. Few minutes later, my key holder came to the front till (she was in the back) and saw me standing. She asked why didn't I call her so that she could open the door and let me in. I just shrugged. I really didn't want to bother her. She had done enough.
Anyway, I called my dad so that he could pick me up because it's too late. While waiting for my dad, I kept looking at my water bottle from the window and constantly checking the time. It's about one minute and forty two seconds left. Suddenly, there was a man walking by and picking up the water bottle. I was like, no no no, please don't take my water bottle away! I couldn't run to the door, because I really didn't want to leave the door opened. My key holder had already gone to the back. I was afraid somebody might have come in. So, I was standing there in despair, and kept looking at the man as he passed me by. He might have been a scavenger who is on the way home trying to keep working so that he could save some money.
It was actually really funny because I really didn't expect it would have happened. I guess this is what life is about. You just have to expect the unexpected. ALLAH does have surprises for you ;)
Anyway, I took a picture of my water bottle before it got stolen. What a fun night! :D LOL
Thursday, 10 January 2013
Iman, Cinta dan Logika - Ust. Yusuf Mansur
( HIKMAH ) IMAN, CINTA DAN LOGIKA - Mata biasa kebatas, bila ngeliat matahari kesilauan, bila melihat bakteri kekecilan, mata ini kebatas jarak dan ukuran. Terus pegimana mata ini mampu melihat Allah SWT ?. Gak level antara Robb dan mahluknya, kecuali bisa dirasain dgn mata hati. Inilah bicara iman, yang gak selalu pake logika tetapi pake keyakinan dan fitrah. Fitrah ingin taat dan mengabdi ada tuh jalannya. Manusia yang melawan Allah bakalan gelap lahir dan bathin karena melawan fitrah. Ada jamaah ngadu yang nyampe ke sedekah redho, ketika ikhlas datang malahan berlimpah, ada lagi yg ketika dia merasakan nikmatnya tahajud malah dikerjain saban hari demi kebutuhan jiwanya ngegantungin hati ke Allah SWT, jadilah ia dapet bonus diluar dugaan.
Ketika harapan diikuti ketergantungan sama Allah, bila ikhlas menerima ketentuan-Nya maka Allah beri sakinah ketenangan dalam kehidupannya dan tanpa diduga ada jalan keluarnya yg terbaik yang tidak disangka-sangka, nah itulah ilmu taqwa. Keredhoan, dan baik sangka kepada Allah adalah hal yg ghaib, dimana iman bicara, ketika iman itu gak dipelihara agar meningkat lalu logika yang maen terus, maka kemungkinan kegalauan masih ada. Iman belum mantep.
Ketika nikmat iman main, yg ada kerutinan ibadah dan ketaatan yang tidak dibantah. Mana ada Allah menyia-nyiakan kebaikan hamba-Nya ?.
Hijrahnya Rosul dan para sahabat ke Madinah lalu meninggalkan omset dan asset ke madinah juga bicara iman, kalo logika jelas galau. Gawean sama dagangan, bahkan rumah ditinggal, Namun demi Agama Allah dan iman mereka membuktikan cintanya, dan di Madinah membangun peradaban Islam dan romawi serta persia dua imperium besar ditaklukkan dengan harta besar yang didapat dari romawi persia dalam genggaman kaum Muslimin, hingga akhirnya Islam menguasai sepertiga dunia.
Ketika Iman surut, logika nafsu menyalahi ayat-ayat Allah misalnya meninggalkan shalat karena logika rapat gak bisa ditinggal, atau logika gak pake jilbab karena logika takut gak dapet jodoh, atau sedekah pake logika karena takut miskin, maupun takut gak bisa beli BB baru, atau ragu balasan Allah, pake mikir-mikir dulu dan bisa juga disisi lain ada logika tujuan selain Allah dengan mendahulukan kebanggaan materi semu, kenikmatan sesaat, punya mobil maunya pamer, beli BB baru maunya biar dilirik sodara, biar kelihatan keren itu jadi ujub, dan rawan lari ke dosa2 lainnya seperti sombong, dusta dst.
Ketika iman diduluin, keliatan hidupnya akan respek dengan ayat2 Allah, keliatan dakwahnya membina keluarga dan orang lain, gak suka dengan kemaksiatan, sedih temennya beloman berjilbab, sedih suaminya belum sholat dst. Perasaan itulah salah satu yang menunjukkan Imannya yaitu ada kecemburuan agama, mane ada cinta gak pake cemburu. Dan hatinya tidak bisa pindah kelain hati.
Rasulullah SAW bersabda : Barangsiapa melihat kemungkaran rubahlah dengan tangan, bila tidak mampu dengan lisan, bila tidak bisa yaitu dengan hati, dan itulah selemah-lemahnya iman (HR-Muslim) - Ust. Yusuf Mansur
Ketika harapan diikuti ketergantungan sama Allah, bila ikhlas menerima ketentuan-Nya maka Allah beri sakinah ketenangan dalam kehidupannya dan tanpa diduga ada jalan keluarnya yg terbaik yang tidak disangka-sangka, nah itulah ilmu taqwa. Keredhoan, dan baik sangka kepada Allah adalah hal yg ghaib, dimana iman bicara, ketika iman itu gak dipelihara agar meningkat lalu logika yang maen terus, maka kemungkinan kegalauan masih ada. Iman belum mantep.
Ketika nikmat iman main, yg ada kerutinan ibadah dan ketaatan yang tidak dibantah. Mana ada Allah menyia-nyiakan kebaikan hamba-Nya ?.
Hijrahnya Rosul dan para sahabat ke Madinah lalu meninggalkan omset dan asset ke madinah juga bicara iman, kalo logika jelas galau. Gawean sama dagangan, bahkan rumah ditinggal, Namun demi Agama Allah dan iman mereka membuktikan cintanya, dan di Madinah membangun peradaban Islam dan romawi serta persia dua imperium besar ditaklukkan dengan harta besar yang didapat dari romawi persia dalam genggaman kaum Muslimin, hingga akhirnya Islam menguasai sepertiga dunia.
Ketika Iman surut, logika nafsu menyalahi ayat-ayat Allah misalnya meninggalkan shalat karena logika rapat gak bisa ditinggal, atau logika gak pake jilbab karena logika takut gak dapet jodoh, atau sedekah pake logika karena takut miskin, maupun takut gak bisa beli BB baru, atau ragu balasan Allah, pake mikir-mikir dulu dan bisa juga disisi lain ada logika tujuan selain Allah dengan mendahulukan kebanggaan materi semu, kenikmatan sesaat, punya mobil maunya pamer, beli BB baru maunya biar dilirik sodara, biar kelihatan keren itu jadi ujub, dan rawan lari ke dosa2 lainnya seperti sombong, dusta dst.
Ketika iman diduluin, keliatan hidupnya akan respek dengan ayat2 Allah, keliatan dakwahnya membina keluarga dan orang lain, gak suka dengan kemaksiatan, sedih temennya beloman berjilbab, sedih suaminya belum sholat dst. Perasaan itulah salah satu yang menunjukkan Imannya yaitu ada kecemburuan agama, mane ada cinta gak pake cemburu. Dan hatinya tidak bisa pindah kelain hati.
Rasulullah SAW bersabda : Barangsiapa melihat kemungkaran rubahlah dengan tangan, bila tidak mampu dengan lisan, bila tidak bisa yaitu dengan hati, dan itulah selemah-lemahnya iman (HR-Muslim) - Ust. Yusuf Mansur
Wednesday, 9 January 2013
My ecological footprint
In my introduction to environmental science class, we were supposed to do a quiz called "carbon footprint quiz". We were supposed to google it, and and I found a good website for it. So, here we go.
Here's also another website where you can check your biological footprint :
Part 1: Multiple choice
1. How often do you drive?
a) Never -- I walk, bike and take public transportation to get where I'm going.
b) Sometimes -- I use my car when I need to, but also use other methods to get around, including to work.
c) Mostly -- I drive to work (although I sometimes carpool) and use the car for most errands.
d) My car's my second home, and I'm usually by myself when I'm driving.
a) Never -- I walk, bike and take public transportation to get where I'm going.
b) Sometimes -- I use my car when I need to, but also use other methods to get around, including to work.
c) Mostly -- I drive to work (although I sometimes carpool) and use the car for most errands.
d) My car's my second home, and I'm usually by myself when I'm driving.
2. During the winter, what temperature is your furnace set to while you're at home?
a) 22C (72F) or higher
b) 21C (70F)
c) 20C (68F)
d) 19C (66F) or lower
a) 22C (72F) or higher
b) 21C (70F)
c) 20C (68F)
d) 19C (66F) or lower
3. How often do you eat animal products, such as meat, poultry, fish, dairy and eggs?
a) At most meals
b) I eat dairy and eggs often, but I don't eat meat more than five times per week.
c) I'm vegetarian, but I eat dairy and eggs.
d) I'm a vegan; I don't eat any animal products.
a) At most meals
b) I eat dairy and eggs often, but I don't eat meat more than five times per week.
c) I'm vegetarian, but I eat dairy and eggs.
d) I'm a vegan; I don't eat any animal products.
4. How do you cool your house in the summer?
a) I open the windows and blinds during the night and keep them closed during the day, and use fans if I feel the need.
b) As above, and I turn on the air conditioning when it's extremely hot or humid.
c) I run the air conditioner most of the time, but keep the thermostat set at 24C or above, and make use of energy-saving measures (such as power-cycling systems) if they're available where I live.
d) I run the air conditioner most of the time and keep it set at 23C or lower.
a) I open the windows and blinds during the night and keep them closed during the day, and use fans if I feel the need.
b) As above, and I turn on the air conditioning when it's extremely hot or humid.
c) I run the air conditioner most of the time, but keep the thermostat set at 24C or above, and make use of energy-saving measures (such as power-cycling systems) if they're available where I live.
d) I run the air conditioner most of the time and keep it set at 23C or lower.
5. What steps do you take to limit water usage in your home?
a) None
b) I don't let the water run while brushing my teeth or doing the dishes, or I have an energy- and water-efficient dishwasher and run it only when full; I also make sure that none of my taps are dripping.
c) As above, plus I have an energy- and water-efficient washing machine (and only do full loads of laundry) and limit showers and baths.
d) As above; in addition, I have a water-limiting device installed in my toilet (or a water-saving toilet) and limit the amount of times I flush; I also have a rain barrel installed outdoors to collect water for the houseplants and garden.
a) None
b) I don't let the water run while brushing my teeth or doing the dishes, or I have an energy- and water-efficient dishwasher and run it only when full; I also make sure that none of my taps are dripping.
c) As above, plus I have an energy- and water-efficient washing machine (and only do full loads of laundry) and limit showers and baths.
d) As above; in addition, I have a water-limiting device installed in my toilet (or a water-saving toilet) and limit the amount of times I flush; I also have a rain barrel installed outdoors to collect water for the houseplants and garden.
Part 2: True or false?
1. I have replaced some or all of my regular lightbulbs with compact fluorescents, and I turn lights off whenever I don't need them.
2. I fly once or less per year. T
3. My household composts most of its food waste.
4. I try to purchase goods that use as little packaging as possible; for instance, when buying fruits and vegetables, I don't bag them separately or I bring a reusable bag for that purpose. F
5. My household (of four) produces less than half a can of garbage each week.
6. I water my garden during the morning or evening, and only as much as is necessary; I let my lawn go brown during the summer, or don't have a lawn.
7. I bring my own bag when shopping, and turn down bags at stores as often as possible. F
8. I try to save energy when doing laundry by using only cold water and washing full loads, and I hang laundry to dry whenever possible. F
9. When given the option, I choose to buy locally produced goods rather than imported ones.
10. I live in an apartment or condo, or in an energy-efficient house shared with other people.
2. I fly once or less per year. T
3. My household composts most of its food waste.
4. I try to purchase goods that use as little packaging as possible; for instance, when buying fruits and vegetables, I don't bag them separately or I bring a reusable bag for that purpose. F
5. My household (of four) produces less than half a can of garbage each week.
6. I water my garden during the morning or evening, and only as much as is necessary; I let my lawn go brown during the summer, or don't have a lawn.
7. I bring my own bag when shopping, and turn down bags at stores as often as possible. F
8. I try to save energy when doing laundry by using only cold water and washing full loads, and I hang laundry to dry whenever possible. F
9. When given the option, I choose to buy locally produced goods rather than imported ones.
10. I live in an apartment or condo, or in an energy-efficient house shared with other people.
Add your score:
Part 1:
1. a) 4 b) 3 c) 2 d) 12. a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 43. a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 44. a) 4 b) 3 c) 2 d) 15. a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
1. a) 4 b) 3 c) 2 d) 12. a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 43. a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 44. a) 4 b) 3 c) 2 d) 15. a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
Part 2:
Add one point to your score for each "true" answer.
Add one point to your score for each "true" answer.
What does your score mean?
After adding up your points, check below to find out where you stand -- then go to the bottom of the page for links on how to increase your score.
After adding up your points, check below to find out where you stand -- then go to the bottom of the page for links on how to increase your score.
5-8 points: Giant footprint
When it comes to the environment, you're leaving behind a sasquatch-size footprint. Either you don't care very much about conserving resources, or you just aren't informed -- but since you're taking this quiz, we'll assume the latter. Think of it this way: there's lots of room for improvement. Review part 2 of the quiz for steps you can take to raise your score, but most importantly, go back to basics. Try to cut back on how much power and water you use, and drive less.
When it comes to the environment, you're leaving behind a sasquatch-size footprint. Either you don't care very much about conserving resources, or you just aren't informed -- but since you're taking this quiz, we'll assume the latter. Think of it this way: there's lots of room for improvement. Review part 2 of the quiz for steps you can take to raise your score, but most importantly, go back to basics. Try to cut back on how much power and water you use, and drive less.
9-16: Big footprint
You're on your way. You make an effort in some areas, but there's definitely more you can do. To decrease your impact, evaluate your scoring and figure out where you were losing points, and focus your efforts there. Also check out the articles below for more ideas on living a greener life.
You're on your way. You make an effort in some areas, but there's definitely more you can do. To decrease your impact, evaluate your scoring and figure out where you were losing points, and focus your efforts there. Also check out the articles below for more ideas on living a greener life.
17-25: Medium footprint
Nice job, green queen -- you're definitely doing your part, and it's appreciated by future generations! Now think about how you can make even more improvements. Is there one area where you scored particularly low -- for instance, water conservation or driving? Consider how you can do better.
Nice job, green queen -- you're definitely doing your part, and it's appreciated by future generations! Now think about how you can make even more improvements. Is there one area where you scored particularly low -- for instance, water conservation or driving? Consider how you can do better.
25-30: Small footprint
You eco superstar! You obviously put in a lot of effort to reduce your footprint -- congratulations! Just remember that no one's perfect, and it's easy to slack off when you get comfortable. So give yourself a pat on the back, and then look for even more ways to conserve -- think about carbon offsetting as one way to do even better.
You eco superstar! You obviously put in a lot of effort to reduce your footprint -- congratulations! Just remember that no one's perfect, and it's easy to slack off when you get comfortable. So give yourself a pat on the back, and then look for even more ways to conserve -- think about carbon offsetting as one way to do even better.
I think I have a giant footprint :( anyway, I'm learning now to take a good care of my environment. Wish me luck ;)
Here's also another website where you can check your biological footprint :
Tuesday, 8 January 2013
Monday, 7 January 2013
In order to write, you have to read! (which is one thing I really don't like to do). But, that's about to change! I'm going to read, read, and keep reading until my eyes pop out. Hehe
One book each week! Are you up for a challenge?! :D
One book each week! Are you up for a challenge?! :D
A new of a beginning - Winter Semester 2013
To be honest, I'm a little nervous and excited at the same time. Tomorrow is my first day of school after holiday. I'm afraid I'd make the same mistakes I've done last semester. But hopefully not. I'm also excited, wanting to know how's the end of my journey this time. Years from now. Insya ALLAH.
I'm hoping that I'll be actively involved academically and socially. I really wish there's no time to fool around anymore :/
And why does it feel like the end?! I've felt like this years ago when I first entered High school. But guess what, when I thought it's the end, I was wrong. It's just a new of a beginning.
And tomorrow is not the end, though it feels like it. Tomorrow is a start of putting back the pieces of my life together. It's a new semester to me after getting two academic warnings. And I've learned my lesson, which is to not run away from things anymore. This time, I want to fight my battle. Fears are meant to be conquered, not to run away from.
Also, I've learned to prioritize. This time, no matter what, ALLAH is the first priority in my life. I'm hoping to never delay my salah. I'll try to pray on time, and if possible, I'd add some sunnah. Not to mention, Quran will be my best buddy, Insya ALLAH. Also, I'm still working on my time management, which I have to say is still bad :/
Anyway, wish me luck guys and please pray for me ;)
I'm hoping that I'll be actively involved academically and socially. I really wish there's no time to fool around anymore :/
And why does it feel like the end?! I've felt like this years ago when I first entered High school. But guess what, when I thought it's the end, I was wrong. It's just a new of a beginning.
And tomorrow is not the end, though it feels like it. Tomorrow is a start of putting back the pieces of my life together. It's a new semester to me after getting two academic warnings. And I've learned my lesson, which is to not run away from things anymore. This time, I want to fight my battle. Fears are meant to be conquered, not to run away from.
Also, I've learned to prioritize. This time, no matter what, ALLAH is the first priority in my life. I'm hoping to never delay my salah. I'll try to pray on time, and if possible, I'd add some sunnah. Not to mention, Quran will be my best buddy, Insya ALLAH. Also, I'm still working on my time management, which I have to say is still bad :/
Anyway, wish me luck guys and please pray for me ;)
Saturday, 5 January 2013
The beauty of Islam is that we put our full effort into achieving what we want. After that if we don't get what we wanted then we say Alhamdulillah, because Allah chooses the best for us.
If you regret about the past, its only beneficial if it motivates you to change whatever you regret for the future.
What never happened was never meant to be. So don't lose sleep over it. Accept it and move on.
The rich person is not one who had riches, it's the one who is content with what he's been given.
Remember our fate is written by Allah. All fretting and despair is from whisperings of shaytan.
Allah give you strength in eeman.
If you regret about the past, its only beneficial if it motivates you to change whatever you regret for the future.
Allah doesn't want us to despair of His Mercy.
What never happened was never meant to be. So don't lose sleep over it. Accept it and move on.
The rich person is not one who had riches, it's the one who is content with what he's been given.
Remember our fate is written by Allah. All fretting and despair is from whisperings of shaytan.
Allah give you strength in eeman.
Status Aa Gym
Gelisah ?
Silakan periksa hati
Pasti ada selain Allah yang mendominasi hati ini
Bisa manusia/makhluk
Bisa benda/harta
Bisa pujian/penilaian/cinta makhluk
Bisa harap dan takut kepada manusia
Bisa keinginan duniawi
Bisa diperbudak nafsu
Hati hanya tenang bila terpusat kepada Allah
Kembali kepada-Nya dan pasrah kepada ketentuan-Nya
Semakin penuh hati ini oleh ingat, dan yakin kepada semua janji dan jaminan Allah..
Serta semakin patuh
Dijamin semakin tentram hati ini
Silakan periksa hati
Pasti ada selain Allah yang mendominasi hati ini
Bisa manusia/makhluk
Bisa benda/harta
Bisa pujian/penilaian/cinta makhluk
Bisa harap dan takut kepada manusia
Bisa keinginan duniawi
Bisa diperbudak nafsu
Hati hanya tenang bila terpusat kepada Allah
Kembali kepada-Nya dan pasrah kepada ketentuan-Nya
Semakin penuh hati ini oleh ingat, dan yakin kepada semua janji dan jaminan Allah..
Serta semakin patuh
Dijamin semakin tentram hati ini
The Best of Planners
When God moves you, comply. Dont try to impose your own plan upon the Best of Planners. Don't attempt to resist the irresistable (Al Qahar).
Friday, 4 January 2013
Sacrifice for the sake of ALLAH
Social psychology teaches us that when human beings sacrifice for the sake of a person or cause, their attachment and loyalty for that person or cause increases. Allah teaches us that when we give up something for His sake, He replaces it with something greater. Often we expect that 'something greater' to be some material thing--and it may be. But the greatest of all gift is not in the material replacement. It is in His nearness. It is in the increased attachment we develop with Him because of the sacrifice itself! Thus our sacrifice for God is not a gift from us to Him. It is a gift from Him to us! Allahu akbar! - Yasmin Mogahed
A day with Rafly
Before going back to Aceh in 2011, I had a wish to meet Rafly. Why?! Because I've always loved his songs! Duh! LOL! His songs are soo Acehnese! Why do I say that?! Well, many Acehnese copy others' music or sometime lyrics. Like other Indonesian's songs or even Indian's songs! Not Rafly! He's different! He brings out the pure Aceh's music and the lyrics are also well written in Acehnese. I'm not talking about the mainstream Acehnese, I'm talking about more traditional Acehnese. Isn't that awesome?! When you're listening to his songs, you actually remember Aceh!
Well, my favourite song so far is Seulanga. I know it's kind of old song, but not to me. Seulanga always reminds me how I should be as girl. It is the name of a flower which in his songs portrays how every girls should be. Every girls should be careful and protect themselves so that they can be as fresh as Seulanga when it blooms.
Anyway, enough talking about the song. Here's my picture with Rafly! ;D
Well, my favourite song so far is Seulanga. I know it's kind of old song, but not to me. Seulanga always reminds me how I should be as girl. It is the name of a flower which in his songs portrays how every girls should be. Every girls should be careful and protect themselves so that they can be as fresh as Seulanga when it blooms.
Anyway, enough talking about the song. Here's my picture with Rafly! ;D
A good reason
There must be a good reason why you were not the person you wished to be,
there must be a good reason why ALLAH did not give you what you wanted,
there must be a good reason why you had gone through some experiences that you dislike in the past,
there must be a good reason why you were the way you were, and why you are the way you are now,
all you have to do is to trust the Lord who created this universe, the King who created all kings, the most loving than the feeling of love itself,
to trust Him that He knows and will always give what's best for you,
for all of us.
to trust Him that He knows and will always give what's best for you,
for all of us.
Wednesday, 2 January 2013
Yasmin Mogahed
Mother of Musa (AS) is told to let go of what she loves. But whatever you give up for Allah is never lost. He returns it, in this world or the next...just as He returned Musa (AS) to his mother - Yasmin Mogahed
Better story
Sometime, the story we write for ourselves isn't the best. There's actually a better story that God has written for us.
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