I've known her for almost two years now. She's originally from Afghanistan, but was born and raised in Iran. She's one year older than me, but we look pretty much at the same age. We first met on the bus, on my way home from school. I was still in High School and I think she was still taking some English courses. Anyway, we said hi and ask each others' name. But that was it. The thing about muslim women in foreign countries is that we recognize each other because of our hijab.
We meet again in University. I really didn't expect this. We share locker together, we spend time eating lunch together, and give some hugs at the end of the day (if we're too busy and couldn't meet). I practically love her like my own sister. By the way, she's majoring in nursing and nursing students study really hard people! :D That's why we barely meet :( But that's okay. I guess that's what makes the relationship grows stronger. The less time you spend with your loved ones, the more you realize to not ever take them for granted ;)
Anyway, today is her birthday! My cousin and I were invited to her birthday party. She also invited her relatives and friends. It was really homey. Her mother in law (she's married by the way!) was sooo nice to all of us. We ate some Afghani cuisine and spent the rest of the day dancing until our body aches. LOL
Hehehe.. could you tell me how to make Afganis food? When you come home to Aceh? Sending my regard to them ya....