Sunday, 20 January 2013

Four Things I enjoy doing

Recently, I joined a program called "Mental Health First Aid" where we are trained to be Mental Health First Aiders. Our job is to "help an injured person before professional medical treatment can be obtained". Our job isn't to diagnosed people with mental health nor to give prescription. We are trained "to provide help to prevent the mental health problem from becoming more serious". I was registered for free because I volunteer with Students Association.

Anyway, our second session talked about the different types of mood disorders. What was shocking to me was the part where our instructor mentioned how these disorders can happen to anybody!
And the survivors were just regular people before they were diagnosed with disorders. And that worries me a little bit. I believe in Taqdir of ALLAH of course. If He wills, I might be diagnosed with the disorder as well. But, we still have to do our part which is to live a healthy life-style.

At the end of our session last week, my instructor gave us homework which is to find four things that we enjoy doing by ourselves. It's kind of like a "me-time". Soooo, I asked myself, what are the four things I enjoy doing by myself?

Well, praying will be number one! Cuz really, it soothes me. I find my prayer really calms me. Especially tahajud prayer because it's really quiet and peaceful at this time of the day. Not to mention, reading Qur'an (even for 10 ayats a day!) really helps! ;)
I'm also hoping to do Yoga. People have talked about it, how it has helped them calm down.

Secondly, will be blogging! I love writing! I just don't have the time yet to write everyday in my blog cuz my time-management is still horrible. But, I'm working on it. Sooo, wish me luck guys! ;)

Thirdly will be watching movies(preferably funny movies) and eat spaghetti while watching! LOL
I love watching people's expression. And mostly, I love when there are sounds and music. It makes the place less lonely. Hehe

Number four will be reading! I'm actually still working on reading cuz this doesn't come to me naturally. I have to force myself reading something, especially if it's text books, this could take forever! LOL

Guess what, I have my number five :D
It will be jogging in the morning! It doesn't have to be for a very long time. It could be just 20-25 minutes. I just run around the neighbourhood and sweat a little bit. LOL

Anyway, these are my four things I enjoy doing (well maybe five, hehe). What are yours? ;)

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