Saturday 8 June 2013

Writing paper?!! Oh noo, please help . . .

What to do when boredom hits you while you're writing a paper?! Also, your mind can't stop wandering around?! Has that ever happened to you guys?!

Especially if you've been procrastinating, and the paper is due tomorrow! And you're so not done, what to do??
*This is my by the way :D

So, here's some simple steps on how to overcome it . . .

1. Stay positive!
Keep saying, yes I can do it! I will get it done! Don't worry about the result. Just keep trying your best.

2. Take a constant break!
Break will refresh your mind especially if you plan to write for about 4 to 5 hours. Five minutes duration for each thirty minutes of writing will help!

3. Drink water!
If you're at home, drink water as much as possible. It is important to keep yourself hydrated!

4. No social networking!
Keep a note that says "No facebook/twitter" or any type of social networkings until you're done your work. This will keep you focus.
Of course, this takes lots of practise. Please don't get discouraged if your mission's failed. Positive attitude is the key!

5. Have some Sugar!
If you're like me who feel better after eating some sweets, then try having some "nutritious" snack on your desk. It could be apples, strawberries or anything nutritious, so that you don't lose your energy while studying.

What happened if you've messed up your plan?!

Accept that you're human. You make mistakes! You need to forgive and ask yourself, "what can I learn from these mistakes". Then move on. Keep going. Keep writing ;)

Writing papers (any type of papers) can be very challenging. Especially if you've been procrastinating. Hopefully, you'll start your paper early so that you don't end up procrastinating them. Anyway, I hope this tips help.

Any comments and concerns are welcomed! Good luck on your paper guys! ;)

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